Alienware m17x10-1847DSB 17‐Inch Gaming Laptop

After being a SONY VAIO user for a few years I was very anxious to put the Alienware laptop to the test. Although I am not much of a gamer these days I DO multi-task to a ridiculous degree. I often have 3 browsers open with dozens of tabs as well as running web authoring software, Photo shop and other utilities. At the time of ordering my laptop from Amazon I also ordered a 4 GB RAM stick to even out the odd 6 GB included with the M17. 8 GB appears to be sufficient to my needs. My first impression was overwhelming. There is no denying this laptop was built to impress. Every one that gazes on this laptop has had nothing less than Awe to express. One friend said it reminded him of a stealth fighter. All the lighting and matte black case is really attractive. I love the slot loading opti drive, even though just like the SONY it is on the right side, totally bumping in to my trackball every time I eject a disc. But better than SONY it does provide plenty of USB ports, 5 over the 2 supplied by SONY. Most import there are ports on both sides. The SONY had 2 right next to the disk drive again being totally in the way of any mouse or trackball.....??

Now for actual use: I have been using it for a few weeks now. First off like another review indicates there was (ZERO) software, free or trial that had to be uninstalled like EVERY other laptop I have ever dealt with. That was VERY nice. I did not know at time of purchase that this unit had (2) hard drives running in a Raid O. Interesting. The access to the drives and Memory is very easy from the bottom unlike a lot of other laptops. It appears the multiple cooling fans are easy to get to and clean when required.

Even with the dual Raid O hard drive THIS laptop appears to boot up a bit slower than the VAIO. I think this has something to do with the Alienware face recognition and other ALienware related esthetics. I am sure this can be all uninstalled or deactivated. Not a huge deal at the moment but I thought I should mention it. Face recognition is very annoying until it gets to know you. Still may be quicker to just type in your password. A very unique feature any way you look at it.(no pun intended) There has been no issues installing any of my drivers to external devices I use.

This will be my short list of complaints:
- The SONY has a better screen. no doubt. Plus a blueray player.
- Matte Black looks really cool as long as you keep it clean. It seems to attract dust like a magnet and it shows bad.
- The actual height of the keyboard is about an inch higher than what I am used to so I had to readjust my office chair to type comfortably.
- After the newness of the pretty lights begins to become normal one might wonder if they may be an issue in the future. Also the machine has more of a kids look (not sure it would fit in to an office environment). I do miss the thin elegance of the SONY. This is a VERY heavy laptop. Even though I never take my big laptop with me anywhere (I have a netbook for that) this laptop is VERY bulky and appears to weigh twice that of the SONY.
- I think if SONY would have offered some of the features found on the M17 I would be still using the SONY at 2/3s the price.

Bottom line: If you can afford this expensive laptop. Give it a try. Buying from Amazon I had it on my door step the day after ordering it.....NICE!!! Amazon return policy: THE BEST!!! I don't think I would have tried this laptop if Amazon did not offer it.

I hope this helps potential M17 customers make a decision.

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